À.RIA. A medium for connection is an immersive journey in which light, matter and perception intertwine to create invisible links between spaces and people. This new interior design project by Archiproducts Milano, curated by Studiopepe, transforms air into an element of connection through iridescent surfaces, dynamic reflections and constantly changing materials. Over 50 international brands participate in the exploration of design, fostering an experience that transcends the conceptual and functional boundaries of interior design. Leading names include
Brionvega, with Bellini’s Radiophone and Totem, Norr11, with the Jagger sofa, and Studiopepe for Pholc, with its sculptural lighting.
Sixinch and Pulkra redefine material design, while Dedon transforms the outdoor space into a design oasis. With Aria, Archiproducts Milano reinforces its reputation as a reference point for contemporary design, offering a fluid and multi-sensory experience that redefines the very concept of space.
Email: staff.milano@archiproducts.com
Website: www.milano.archiproducts.com